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Rise of the Vy Kings by Brynn Paulin 

Release Date: October 1, 2020

Preorder Links

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YSR4JJT

B/N: Coming soon

Kobo: Coming soon 

iTunes: Coming soon

And so it is written…

In the year of the modern world, 2025, there will come a season of ice, beginning in the third month of winter, Morsugur. Through the day and through the night, it will plague the land, never ceasing when winter turns to summer and summer turns again to winter.

For many years, the people will scoff at the coming season of ice, but when it comes, the scoffing will turn to frozen rivers of tears. Their ways will fade away and those few who remain will live again as the ancients once did. They will plead but they will not be answered. They will fight but they fill not win. They will dream but there will be only darkness. They will search but they will not find.

For two generations they will not know warmth; they will not know comfort; they will not know peace. But when the second generation passes from our sight, then, then only, will the gods shake off from their slumber with great yawnings and remember their plans for the people.

Then, only then, will their great heroes arise, twelve warriors to lead the people back to prosperity and back peace, twelve warriors to be kings to the twelve tribes. Yea the knowledge will awaken within them. They will understand and they will rise. They will be the Vy Kings and they will bring the people to greatness once more.

But beware ye scoffers, for Mursugar has yet to blow its mighty frost-filled winds. Be prepared and be ready for you will not see the heroes’ salvation but instead find death.

And so it is said.

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